The HBO TV series Euphoria, was released mid-June of this year. Since then, the “Euphoria makeup” trend quickly rose, and never died.
Doniella Davy, the TV show’s head make up artist, directed the storyline of the teen drama through art. She was able to display radical — some would even say revolutionary — makeup looks as symbolic references to the character’s development throughout the episodes. The makeup they wear, is part of who they are.
Euphoria has created a platform of creativity for its viewers. Instagram blew up with posts of the show’s followers recreating their favorite looks. The hashtag #euphoriamakeup now has 40,000 posts and climbing, which has inspired many incredible Halloween costumes and even just an everyday flow of imagination in the way we’re applying our makeup.
People all over the world are promoting art by way of this trend. Talent is being celebrated, and people are coming together on social media to demonstrate their excitement about the shake up in the status quo. Off of social media, makeup as an art form is also being normalized, encouraging people to branch out and try new things rather than cleaving to a neutral color palette and the same ho-hum black eye liner. More importantly, Euphoria has encouraged people to be and express themselves!
It is beautiful.
There are few genuinely pure things in this life. I dare say that this is one of them. Let us celebrate it and enjoy it! Go explore your inner Maddy, Jules, or Cassie. Sometimes, a little color is all we need.
Never let your creative juices stop flowing,